
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

we left eswatini a few days ago and have been spending some sweet time debriefing and just getting to rest at a small hostile in south africa. we get to go on a safari tomorrow and then we fly out to Jefferys Bay on saturday.

eswatini was such a sweet time. i encountered the Lord so much and each time He taught me valuable lessons that i’ll cherish forever. the world race truly has changed my life. i know i still have 2 months on the field, but i’m bringing this fire home with me. i’m continually praying that the Holy Spirit will just place me wherever he wants and since ive prayed that, so many doors have been opened and i CANNOT WAIT. i want anyone and everyone to know the love of Jesus. i also got the awesome opportunity to spend my birthday in eswatini which was AWESOME! faith and caity made me feel so special and i couldn’t ask for better friends on this trip. i got woken up with pancakes for breakfast with candles and nutella haha. we got to go back to our carepoint that we didnt think we would be able to go back to. they made me my favorite dinner which was chicken and pasta. they got me a cake & we got to have a pool party, which i never thought i would be able to have in february but its summer here! they wrote me sweet cards and notes and we got to close the night out in worship. one of the hardest things about leaving eswatini was leaving the SWEETEST SOUL behind, lucy. she is interning in eswatini and we had the chance to grow in relationship with her and work alongside her, however she lives in GA so praise the Lord because i need people like her in my life.

since we have been at our debrief, we’ve received new teams. our whole squad is 18 people but we’re broken up into groups of 3. i loved my team in eswatini and it was sad it ended but my new team is all girls and i cannot be more excited. we get to choose our own team names and it allows us to be as creative as we want. we chose the name “wedding planners” because we are chosen to go gather more and more disciples to prepare for Christ’s reunion to His bride. i absolutely love the name and the sweet souls on my new team of 6 girls. this smaller team allows us to really connect and easily do ministry together in smaller settings. we’ve played games, worshipped & been able to edify each other in sweet sessions. thank the Lord for community!

to everyone reading this i just want to say thank you for caring so much and taking the time to read this. i love being able to share what the Lord is doing and this is one of the easiest ways. it’s people like you that encourage me to continue moving forward. i would also absolutely love to pray for you in any way so please message me on how i can best be praying for you! ive had wifi here at debrief the past few days so when we leave on Saturday i wont have service anymore so i wont be able to answer but still message me! i love you guys!

4 responses to “one month on the field”

  1. JILL! i adore you, so honored to be loved by you! praying for you always and missing you big. DO BIG THINGS MY FRIEND!! SEE YOU IN GA!

  2. So proud of you! I love seeing you make so many new great relationships & having such fabulous experiences. You are making memories that will last a lifetime.

    I love the name wedding planners!!! So awesome. Can’t wait to see what God has for you next! Love you ❤️

  3. I love how the Lord has placed each of you in this place for such a this. Your lives will be forever changed. 💛

  4. So proud of you Jill!!! I am so happy that you are having a great time and learning and growing in you relationship with God!! You have such a servants heart, I know those kids love you!! Can’t wait to hear about your next adventure!❤️